5 Tips for Aligning Company Culture & Brand Identity to Drive Business Success

Company culture is a key contributor to a business’s success or failure. To create a positive culture in your business, you must set your values, truly embody them, hold your team accountable to them, and align them with your brand identity and outward goals.

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When you have all of that, you create a company that is set up for future success. Leigh Sauter, Founder of Glass Ball Consulting and Director of Customer Success and Strategy at Virago Marketing, strives to apply this principle in her professional life, both for her employers and her clients.


Recently, Leigh sat down with Jennie Malafarina, CEO of Virago Marketing and host of Fr8 Marketing Gurus podcast, to talk about how aligning company culture and brand identity can help drive overall business success. Here are a few of those key takeaways from “Inside the Brand: Unpacking Culture and Identity.”

Building a Cohesive Culture

1. Live Your Values and Ensure Your Team Does, Too

Your values lay out what is important for team members to focus on. They also set the tone for the company and what direction it is headed. Because of that, they must be clear and well-communicated across the entire team, and they must be lived every day by everyone, especially leadership. For that to be a reality, creating values should be a team effort.


“You can’t create the values in a vacuum; they have to be co-created by your entire team,” Leigh noted. “Engaged employees are your most authentic brand ambassadors. Their input ensures that what you’re saying externally aligns with what’s happening internally. In essence, leadership kind of provides that vision and framework while the employees, they bring it to life, and they make it real.”


And that authenticity is what helps the brand and marketing strategy naturally follow, making business goals and revenue targets easier to achieve.


“Authenticity is a differentiator,” Leigh said. “When you have a values-driven culture, you have better employee satisfaction and retention, which leads to a more consistent experience, more productivity, and a positive work environment.”

2. Happy Employees Lead to Happy Customers

Employee satisfaction directly impacts customer satisfaction. Happy, engaged employees are more likely to create positive customer experiences, leading to higher customer satisfaction and retention. This, in turn, can generate powerful customer testimonials and referrals. 


When employees are aligned with the company’s values, they become authentic brand ambassadors, enhancing the credibility and emotional connection of your marketing messages. A values-driven culture not only improves employee satisfaction and retention but also creates a more consistent and productive work environment.


“Even if you have an exceptional quality product or service, your people are interacting with your customers every day, and every single touch point contributes to whether they’re going to give you a referral or whether you’re going to earn that testimonial. So, you have to make sure that your people feel responsible for that entire experience,” Leigh said.


3. Be Transparent and Listen to Feedback

Transparency and open communication are critical. Leaders should be upfront about challenges and actively seek feedback from their teams. Creating intentional feedback loops, such as town halls, surveys, or Slack channels, helps maintain a pulse on the organization and encourages employees to voice their opinions. It’s important for employees to be active participants in shaping the culture rather than passive recipients. This approach fosters a sense of ownership and empowerment, allowing the culture to evolve organically with the team’s input.


“Communication and transparency are just so important,” Leigh stated. “Leadership teams need to be really intentional about being accessible… You really need to just stay open and figure out how to keep a pulse on your organization… I think you need to seek out feedback all the time. And then I think the other thing is you need… your employees to be actively shaping the culture… They need to have a hand in it, a role in it, so they feel kind of empowered to champion it.”

4. Align Your Values with Your Brand Identity


Consistency between company culture and brand identity is vital. Sales and marketing teams must be aligned and work together to ensure a cohesive message across all touchpoints. Regular strategic reviews, such as annual buyer persona assessments and monthly alignment meetings, help maintain this synergy. The unique selling proposition of a brand often stems from its culture, influencing the stories told and the brand’s voice and personality. 


“Almost every strategic roadmap that we put out has an objective that speaks to alignment… We’re always trying to make sure that we insert those. We prescribe to that type of synergy between marketing and sales, because if they’re not tied together, you’re really going to have some trouble,” Leigh said.

5. Don’t expect immediate ROI.

Creating your values, living them, and aligning your company brand around them is something that can be done immediately, but the ROI from aligning culture and brand identity takes time. However, the long-term benefits, which include improved employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and overall business success, will follow.


“Honestly, like we talk about in marketing all the time, this is playing the long game… It might not give you an immediate ROI, like people would wish, but I’m convinced that it’s the secret [to long-term success].”

The Importance of a Positive Culture

Aligning company culture and brand identity is a long-term strategy that requires intentional effort and engagement from all levels of the organization. By living your values and ensuring your team does too, engaging employees at all levels, fostering happy employees to create happy customers, being transparent, and aligning your values with your brand identity, you lay a solid foundation for a thriving business. This alignment enhances credibility, builds trust, and fosters emotional connections with both employees and customers. 


As Leigh Sauter and Jennie Malafarina emphasized, this process is about creating a virtuous cycle where a positive internal culture reflects externally, driving business success and setting your company up for a prosperous future. By embracing these strategies, you can ensure your business not only survives but thrives in the ever-evolving market.

Let's Talk.

Company culture and brand identity should go hand in hand with your mission and values. We can help you get everything aligned. 


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