Virago Fillogic CaseStudyHeader

Fillogic Increases Its Pipeline with Virago Marketing

Building a full marketing strategy, from leveraging partnerships for social media and press releases to thought leadership content and sales presentations, has enabled the company to increase its sales
funnel with Fortune 1000 companies.

Fillogic, headquartered in New York, NY, is an early-stage, venture-backed company that is transforming the retail logistics ecosystem. Fillogic is unlocking logistics capacity in the middle and final mile by converting underutilized real estate assets at shopping malls into tech-enabled, micro-logistics hubs that provide retailers with access to critical omnichannel solutions and more sustainable and cost-effective supply chains.

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Fillogic has the technology and expert team to succeed in their mission to change the way retailers deliver in the middle and final mile. However, they were lacking the time, manpower, and expertise to effectively market their solution and leverage their industry partnerships to gain brand awareness and build a continuous pipeline. 


“We spent so much time, energy, and ingenuity building our solution and getting our Hubs and Delivery Marketplace up and running, but we didn’t have the time or marketing experience in-house to spread the word about our strategic partnerships or to build the continuity in sales collateral, presentations, or thought leadership pieces that we needed to make a bigger splash in the industry,” said Chas Gorham, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Fillogic.


Fillogic looked to Virago Marketing to help publicize those partnerships, build consistent brand assets, improve their reach, and, ultimately, build the sales pipeline to increase revenue and brand recognition. 

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With its expertise in the logistics and supply chain industry, Virago got right to work for Fillogic, creating concise messaging and drafting impactful thought leadership content. The Virago team quickly published blogs, crafted press releases, and worked with Fillogic’s customers and partners to help increase web and social traffic with sector-based content.


But that was just the beginning. Fillogic continued ramping up its operations by expanding their Hub Network, building out the Delivery Marketplace, and implementing its logistics technology for customers. As the business expanded, the team leaned heavily on Virago to announce strategic partnerships, create sales presentations and investor decks, and develop necessary marketing and sales collateral.


“We were getting our foot in doors, building our infrastructure, and establishing solid partnerships, but we weren’t able to capitalize on that momentum with our marketing efforts, and that’s what Virago helps us do,” said Bill Thayer, CEO for Fillogic. “They take very detailed ideas on logistics processes and solutions and are able to quickly ‘Virago-ize’ presentations, press releases, or materials. They make us look good with consistent,
easy-to-understand, eye-catching graphics and content that help us make a good impression on potential customers. And that’s huge for us right now.”


To help meet Fillogic’s needs, Virago functions much like an in-house marketing and public relations department. They handle all content development, email, digital and social media marketing, press release development and deployment, and presentation design and creation.


“It’s so nice to be able to trust in a marketing team that not only understands our business and the industry, but that is easy to work with and responsive to our needs,” said Coalter Pollock, Senior Manager of National Accounts for Fillogic.

Man trucker talking on the phone by his white truck

Since working together,
the Fillogic business has grown over 300% YOY and saved countless hours in meeting prep.

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Fillogic and Virago are now able to work seamlessly together and execute on multiple fronts – sales, marketing, and public relations.


Virago has created a dynamic PowerPoint template that saves Fillogic countless hours and effort that they can now use to focus on selling and scheduling meetings.


“We are able to grip and rip a sales deck in a few hours rather than the days it used to take, which gives me back valuable time in my schedule and lets me focus on running the business and onboarding new partners,” Thayer said.


Virago is also able to quickly develop and release partnership announcements that help create brand awareness and generate industry interest in Fillogic, showcasing how they partner with other innovative companies to develop better last-mile delivery options and retail logistics infrastructure. This has also helped connect Fillogic to industry opportunities and get in front of the right audience.


The efforts from Virago and Fillogic are evidenced by increased awareness with their audience, a full pipeline, a quick turnaround to publicize their strategic partnerships, new industry connections, and the level of design and strategic storytelling involved in their investor decks and RFP responses. Since working together, the Fillogic business has grown over 300% YOY and saved countless hours in meeting prep.


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